Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: Le livre de Cynthia - Cynthia's book

dimanche 30 septembre 2012

Le livre de Cynthia - Cynthia's book

J'ai eu ce livre de cuisine de Cynthia (Cynthia's Cottage Design).

I got this cookbook from Cynthia (Cynthia's Cottage Designs).

Le voici avec des livres de cuisine que ma mère avaient achetés au début de son mariage. Elle me les a donnés quand j'ai eu mon appartement.

Here it is with cookbooks that my mother had bought when she got married. She gave them to me when I got my flat.

Les recettes et les conseils de Françoise Bernard sont toujours très pratiques et faciles.

Françoise Bernard's recipes and tips are always very practical and easy.

Maintenant j'ai un livre de Françoise Bernard en miniature.
 Je n'avais aucune idée que ses livres avaient aussi été publiés à l'étranger.

Now I have a book by Françoise Bernard in miniature.
I had no idea that her books had been also published abroad.

Je pouvais montrer ce livre qu'avec de la nourriture française ...

I had to show this book with French food ...

Un grand merci Cynthia! A big thank you Cynthia!

19 commentaires:

Lovejoy Bears a dit…

The book is beautiful Genevieve!! It's lovely that you now have a miniature version of something which is so special to you and that has lovely memories!!
hugs ♥ vicky ♥

Catherine / Mooghiscath a dit…

MDR ! c'est le seul livre de cuisine que j'ai celui de F Bernard , vu que la cuisine et moi c'est pas le TOP !

Fabiola a dit…

C'est un livre merveilleux. J'aime bien ta présentation.

Piikko a dit…

What a lovely little book!
I don't know Françoise Bernard's cooking but now I got curious.
-Mums have a magical skills to make a small things like this book to be special in our lives. ♥
My mum also gave me a cooking book 'some' time ago. Unfortunately it didn't help much. I am not very good with cooking. I 'took' husband for that... ;DDD

Ascension a dit…

Un fantastico libro y una linda presentacion.
besitos ascension

Luce Fédière a dit…

Moi aussi je suis une fan de Françoise Bernard, c'est super de l'avoir en miniature!

Linda Carswell a dit…

I love your little book.....it looks fabulous with all that wonderful French food!!!

Linda x

Lucille a dit…

Marvelous book, Genevieve! Also, it's wonderful that it has meaning for you because of your mother's gift. It will always bring back memories whenever you look at it. Cynthia is so very talented! She has that special touch.

Plushpussycat a dit…

What a wonderful gift, and so meaningful! xo Jennifer

afairytalecometruewyrna a dit…

Oh how lovely French, I love the French atmosphere you get up in these images. Nice to get a miniature cookbook, which a personal story

Thank you for your reference to my giveaway-away.

rosethe-minima a dit…

souvenirs ... J'ai lu un ou des livres de F. Bernard, il y a longtemps.

miniacollection a dit…

Merci!!! J'adore lire vos commentaires.
Il est vrai que l'on apprend beaucoup avec ces livres.

Catherine, ton commentaire aurait pu être le mien, je suis exactement comme toi...


Thank you!!! I love reading your comments.


Cinderella Moments a dit…

That's sweet! I love the food you have in the pictures too. It looks like very yummy stuff!

Giac a dit…

Bonjour genevieve,
Le livre, ainsi que les items de votre collection, son superbe. Il n'y a rien de plus special que d'avoir des object de notre passe en miniature.
A bientot,

miniacollection a dit…

Caroline, thanks a lot!

Giac, un grand merci!


Ivani Grande a dit…

Fantasticos livros Geneviéve!!sempre com trabalhos otimos aqui em seu blog!! bjs

miniacollection a dit…

Ivani, thank you very much!

*Mieke*Petitevictorianrose*and*PastTimeChildhood a dit…

Hi Genevieve, what a sweet little book with such a lovely story behind it :)
Have a great Sunday !

Hugs Mieke xxx

miniacollection a dit…

Mieke, thanks a lot!

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