Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: Je repars... - I'm off again...

jeudi 8 août 2013

Je repars... - I'm off again...

 Je pars en Sicile pour quinze jours avec ma soeur, son mari et leur petite fille. Cette fois un séjour sans la responsabilité d'un groupe. 
Pour voir les autres pièces de la maison de vacances il faudra attendre mon retour. Les photos sont déjà prises.

I am going to Sicily for a fortnight with my sister, her husband and their little girl. This time a stay without the responsibility for a group.
To see the other rooms of the holiday house you will have to wait for my return. I have already taken the photos.

A bientôt - See you soon

18 commentaires:

carmen a dit…

precioso olivo!

les mains calmes a dit…

Bonnes vacances en famille!
Amicalement, Dominique

Giac a dit…

Bonne vacance Genevieve,
Repose-toi bien et je vous souhaite du beau temps.
A bientot,

Marisa a dit…

Bye, have fun on your get away!

Marisa :)

ElenaNikitina a dit…

Счастливо отдохнуть!

rosethe-minima a dit…

très bonnes vacances !

17-17 a dit…

I adore your beautiful plant and your new minis
Sicily - it sounds wonderful! I wish you a pleasant holiday!

Sans! a dit…

Olive tree? It is just WONDERFUL! Have a great time in Sicily. I hear they have the best food :)

Plushpussycat a dit…

Have a great time, Genevieve! I look forward to seeing your photos when you return. xo Jennifer

Piikko a dit…

Bonne vacance Gennie!
I wait for your photos too.
I also like very much of your 'olive picture'.
Hugs, piikko

Linda Carswell a dit…

Enjoy your holiday.....!

Linda x

elizabeth s a dit…

Bonjour Genevieve! I wish you a safe and happy holiday in Sicily and look forward to the rest of your photos when you return. Take care and see you soon.


Cinderella Moments a dit…

Have a safe trip. Have lots of fun. And make lots of memories!

Marie a dit…

Bonnes vacances Geneviève :)
A bientôt

Unknown a dit…

Sicília? Legal e desejo um ótimo encontro com a sua irmã e tudo de bom para vocês.
Esse vaso de planta ficou bonito. Estarei aqui para ver o restante da casa quando você retornar.
Um abraço, Fernanda.

rose cat cottage a dit…

Bonnes vacances Genevieve et votre olivier et les miniatures sur la photo sont deja tout un avant gout de la Sicile!Profitez bien du soleil et surtout goutez aces gateaux si bons avec de la creme qui sont un regal des cannuoli.... jái pas un fiance italien pour rien hehehe. abientot, cia bella! claude

Tessa Liduina a dit…

Have a nice time in Sicily. It is such a beautiful island, enjoy!

Patrizia a dit…

Buone vacanze......

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