Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: Les citrouilles - Pumpkins

lundi 10 novembre 2014

Les citrouilles - Pumpkins

J'ai eu la grande chance d'être la gagnante du giveaway de Joy Cox. Dès que je les ai reçues je suis allée dans le jardin pour les photographier. Et donc Nina et Lucie devaient fêter Halloween.

I was the very lucky winner of Joy Cox's giveaway. As soon as I received them I went to the garden to take photos of them. And therefore Nina and Lucie had to celebrate Halloween.

Nina et Lucie avaient déjà récolté pas mal de bonbons quand en traversant les champs,

Nina and Lucie had already collected quite a lot of sweets when walking across the fields,

elles virent ces étranges citrouilles.

they saw these odd pumpkins.

Elles ont eu tellement peur, 

They were so afraid,

qu'elles firent tout tomber et commencèrent à partir en courant.

that they dropped everything and started to run away.

Puis Nina décida qu'elles ne pouvaient pas être de vraies citrouilles, et que c'était une farce de quelqu'un.

Then Nina decided that they couldn't be real pumpkins and that someone had played a practical joke.

Lucie, maintenant rassurée, a même ajouté qu'elles devaient être là pour faire peur aux oiseaux.

Lucie, now reassured, even added that they must be there to frighten the birds.

Et elles s'amusèrent beaucoup avec les citrouilles, qui d'effrayantes étaient devenues amusantes.

And they enjoyed playing with the pumpkins, that from frightening pumpkins became funny ones.

Merci beaucoup Joy! - Thank you so much Joy!

Bonne semaine! - Have a nice week!

24 commentaires:

Plushpussycat a dit…

Fantastic win, Genevieve! Those pumpkins really have a lot of character, and your story is sweet! xo Jennifer

Ilona a dit…

Congratulations on this fantastic win, Genevieve! So pity that the girls were frightened by the pumpkins after they've seen the odd faces ;)!
Bonne soirée! Amicalement, Ilona

elizabeth s a dit…

What a cute little adventure for the girls! I am so glad that they got over their fears and found the pumpkins were Funny, rather than Scary. SOMETIMES, things can be less frightening when we have the time and opportunity to really think them through, and then we can turn around and face them and then have a good chuckle about it later on. :D
Congratulations Genevieve on your new tiny treasures! :))


*Mieke*Petitevictorianrose*and*PastTimeChildhood a dit…

Hi Genevieve, congratulations on this wonderful win,Those pumpkins are soo cute :)
Have a great week !

Hugs Mieke xxx

rosethe-minima a dit…

Félicitations pour votre cadeau Geneviève !
Ces citrouilles sont très "rigolotes" une idée à reprendre a 1/1 pour Halloween 2015 !
Amicalement. rosethé

PILAR6373 a dit…

Muchas felicidades Genevieve por tan bonito regalo,son unas calabazas muy divertidas y curiosas,magnificas.

Drora's minimundo a dit…

Congratulations for this precious prize!
The girls sure had a special Halloween experience. Cute story.
Hugs, Drora

Un Taller de Miniaturas a dit…

You are a lucky girl, Geneviève!! Those pumpkins are very funny, LOL


jean-claude a dit…

Chouette cadeau, elles sont rigolotes ces citrouilles mises en scène dans cette charmante histoire.

The grandmommy a dit…

Congratulations on such cute prizes! The girls as usual are so sweet. I am glad they got to play with the pumpkins!

Catherine a dit…

Bonjour Geneviève ,

Comme je suis contente d'avoir enfin le temps de regarder à nouveau ton blog .
Les filles sont en pleine forme et j'adore ces photos au jardin . Les citrouilles sont très amusantes et n'ont pas l'air du tout effrayantes .
C'était un cadeau vraiment destiné pour toi .
Je t'embrasse

Sarah a dit…

Congratulations! The pumpkins are super, I like their eyes. And it's good the girls got to have a Halloween experience :D I didn't know Halloween wasn't much celebrated in France, though it has only become a "thing" in the UK and Ireland in the past 10 years or so. When I was a child we carved turnips and not pumpkins :D

Lovejoy Bears a dit…

The pumpkins are wonderful and I love the girl's Halloween celebrations :) As always your photos are truly lovely!! hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

miniacollection a dit…

Vos commentaires me font chaud au coeur, un grand merci à tous.

Your comments warm my heart, a big thank you.


Anonyme a dit…

Ces pumpkins (ce mot anglais est tres rigolo) sont tres sympathiques. Les vraies petites feuilles sont 1 belle trouvaille et elles mettent en valeur ces citrouilles.
Bises. Celine d'Orleans.

Woolytales Miniatures a dit…

Dear Genevieve,

These pumpkins have so much character and they are fun to look at it.. the girls will warm up eventually!:)
so sweet...


C'est trooop mignon!! c'est un joli cadeau que vous avez reçu!

Cinderella Moments a dit…

Those pumpkins' faces are extraordinary! Wow! I love the great expressions on each of them. And the girls are so adorable as usual.

miniacollection a dit…

Céline et Isabelle, merci beaucoup!

Patricia and Caroline, thanks a lot!


Anonyme a dit…

Hi Geneviève,
thank you very much for your kind comment on my blog! :)
Have a beautiful Sunday.

Ps: j'essaie de te parler en anglais pour apprendre,si cela ne te dérange pas! merci d'avance.

Linda a dit…

Felicitations, Genevieve!!! They are all so nice. Bonjour de Montreal, Canada! :)

miniacollection a dit…

Capucine merci beaucoup! Cela ne me dérange pas su tout que tu m'écrives en anglais.

Linda, thank you so much!


Irene a dit…

Congratulations on winning the giveaway - the pumpkins are delightful and your little story (again) enjoyable.

miniacollection a dit…

Irene, thank you so much!

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