Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: une promenade à la campagne (épisode 3) - a walk in the countryside (part 3)

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

une promenade à la campagne (épisode 3) - a walk in the countryside (part 3)

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Fiona : "Voilà le nid de mamie."
Nina : "Pour quoi mamie a un nid?"
Fiona : "Elle l'a trouvé par terre il y a longtemps. Il n'y avait pas d'oeufs dedans, alors elle l'a gardé pour le montrer à ses petits enfants."

Fiona : "Here is grandma's nest."
Nina : "Why has grandma got a nest?"
Fiona : "She found it on the ground a long time ago. There were no eggs in it, so she kept it to show it to her grandchildren."

Chloé : "Il est petit."
Lucie : "Je veux mieux le voir."
Fiona : "Je vais le poser sur la table." 

Chloe : "It is small."
Lucie : "I want to see it better."
Fiona : "I'm going to put it on the table."

 Lucie : "Je me demande comment les oiseaux font les nids."
Chloé : "C'est quoi cette cigale?"

Lucie : "I wonder how birds make nests."
Chloe :" What is it this cicada?"

Lucie : "Qu'est ce que t'as trouvé Chloé?"

Lucie : "What have you found Chloé?"

Quant à Nina elle a trouvé quelque chose à manger.

As far as Nina is concerned she has found something to eat."

Fiona réalisant que plus personne ne s'intéresse au nid va parler avec Lucie.

Fiona realizing that no one is interested in the nest anymore is going to chat with Nina.

Tout en parlant Nina mange sa figue.

While speaking Nina is eating her fig.

Lucie : "Chloé, montre moi ce que tu as trouvé."
Chloé : "C'est juste un savon, maintenant c'est mon savon."

Lucie : "Chloe, show me what you have found." 
Chloe : "It's only a soap, now it's my soap."

Lucie : "Mamie, Chloé a pris un savon cigale. S'il te plait, moi aussi j'en veux un."
Mamie : "J'en ai plusieurs, vous pouvez toutes en avoir un et même choisir votre couleur. Je vais les chercher."
Lucie : "Oh, merci mamie."

Lucie : "Grandma, Chloe has taken a cicada soap. Please, I  want one too." 
Grandma : "I've got several, you can all have one and even choose your colour. I'm going to get them."
Lucie : "Oh, thank you grandma."

Chloé, contente avec son savon, est intéressée par les santons de mamie.

Chloe, happy with her soap, is interested in grandma's santons." 

 Est ce que mamie ne dira rien à Chloé qui a pris le savon sans rien demander ...

Will grandma say nothing to Chloe who took the soap without asking ...

A suivre ... - to be continued ...

Bonne semaine! - Have a nice week!

7 commentaires:

Capucine miiniatures 1:12 a dit…

Jolie histoire! Chloé a 1 belle frimousse!

Capucine miiniatures 1:12 a dit…

Jolie histoire! Chloé a 1 belle frimousse!

Piikko a dit…

Well, I think that grandma won't say nothing much to Chloe even she took the soap without asking. :)
Lovely story! <3
My mum also save the empty bird's nest for her grand children, to my children. She have saved mice nest too. :)
Have a lovely week! Hugs, piikko

Ilona a dit…

What a lovely story, Genevieve, like Piikko's grandma, my grandma did the same! So, this story does remind me of my childhood, when I was on the farm of my grandparents. Ah, such nice memories :D!
Amicalement, Ilona

Drora's minimundo a dit…

The girls are very lucky to have such a loving grandmother.
I'm sure she won't scold Chloe but will find a nice way of
teaching her grandchildren not to take things which aren't theirs without permission.
Hugs, Drora

Irene a dit…

Another lovely little tale and it's not often you leave us guessing!

miniacollection a dit…

Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires! Je suis contente de vous rappeler des souvenirs d'enfance.

Thanks a lot for your comments! I'm glad to bring back childhood memories.

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