Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: Sologne en automne - Sologne in autumn

samedi 18 novembre 2017

Sologne en automne - Sologne in autumn

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Cette scène a été inspirée par ce livre.

This scene was inspired by this book.

En Sologne il y a plein de champignons et on aime manger.

In Sologne there are a lot of mushrooms and they like eating.

Les champignons viennent d'être cueillis.

The mushrooms have just been picked up.

La charcuterie maison est sur la table.
Home made charcuterie is on the table.

Pour manger tout cela il faut beaucoup de pain.
To eat all of that you need a lot of bread.

Du pain de la boulangerie sur la place du village.

Some bread from the baker's in the village square.

un verre de vin - a glass of wine

un bon pâté - a nice pâté

Et pour finir - And to end

 un bon fromage de chèvre - a good goat's milk cheese

Bon week-end! - Have a nice weekend!

16 commentaires:

claude a dit…

miam !
bon weekend

minwks a dit…

Hi Genevieve, What a great scene inspired by the book. The mushrooms ave very appealing as is all the food. Oh to sit at the table with wonderful French pate, woodland mushrooms and of course bread and wine!
A true autumn scene.
Regards Janine

PS. I happened to see Amber’s post about carving Swedes/turnips and you mentioned that they carved potatoes in Scotland. I was surprised. So many things to learn , so little time!

Drora's minimundo a dit…

What a great French meal. Just looking at your table makes me hungry.
Hugs, Drora

Piikko a dit…

Beautiful autumn photos!
I wish you have a lovely weekend too!
Hugs, piikko

Daydreamer a dit…

You have made the perfect feast! Simple, fresh and wholesome! The pictures are lovely and the "atmosphere" is wonderful! Bon Apetit!

PILAR6373 a dit…

Se ve todo tan delicioso,que sería un placer sentarse a la mesa a disfrutar de tan buenos manjares!!

jean-claude a dit…

Charmant weekend gourmand ;-)
A bientôt Geneviève

jean-claude a dit…

Charmant weekend gourmand:-)
A bientôt Geneviève

Юлия a dit…

Bonjour, Geneviève! Combien de nourriture savoureuse dans la cuisine! J'ai immédiatement eu faim et je me suis souvenu des champignons dans la cuisine. Passez un bon week-end! Étreintes, Julia

Ilona a dit…

Bonjour Geneviève! I really wish I could sit at your table and enjoy this nice meal and a good glass of wine, delicious! Yes, it's again the time of the year for this sort of cozy meals. Wonderful miniatures.
Bonne week-end. Amicalement, Ilona

Josje a dit…

Cheese, home made pate and mushrooms, delicious! Perfect to share with family and friends, a nice fire going, good conversation...

Ingi a dit…

All things on the kitchen table are wonderful! Perfectly done!

rosethe-minima a dit…

Tous les mets présents sur cette table sont alléchants !
Quel savoureux week-end !

Tatiana a dit…

Ах! Все смотрится очень реально и аппетитно! Спасибо за прекрасные фотографии!
Хорошей недели!

Giac a dit…

Bonjour Geneviève,
Quelle délicieuse collection. Tout est magnifique et très réaliste.
A bientot,

miniacollection a dit…

Merci beaucoup pour tous vos commentaires. Je suis ravie que cette scène vous ait plu.

Thank you very much for all your comments. I'm pleased you enjoyed this scene.

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