Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: Les crêpes (épisode 1) - Pancakes (part 1)

samedi 14 février 2015

Les crêpes (épisode 1) - Pancakes (part 1)

Mamie : "Ma petite Chloé tu peux avoir la première crêpe."

Grandma : "My little Chloé you can have the first pancake."

Chloé : "Miam miam, tu as mis du nutella."

Chloé : "Yummy, you put some nutella."

Mamie : "Mais que font les autres? Les filles, dépêchez vous les crêpes sont prêtes."

Grandma : "But what are the others doing? Girls, hurry up the pancakes are ready."

Fiona : "Désolée mamie."

Fiona : "Sorry Grandma."

Mamie : "Ah vous voilà! Mais où est Nina?"

Grandma : Ah here you are! But where is Nina?"

Nina : "J'arrive. Ça sent bon."

Nina : "I'm coming. It smells good."

Chloé voudrait s'asseoir mais que faire de sa souris.

Chloé would like to sit down but what to do with her mouse.

Mamie : "Bon les filles, vous êtes prêtes? Je vais apporter les crêpes."

Grandma : Well girls, are you ready? I'm going to bring the pancakes."

Fiona : "Est ce que je peux t'aider?"
Mamie : "Tu peux verser le thé pour nous deux."

Fiona : " Can I help you?"
Grandma : "You can pour the tea for both of us."

Mamie : "Mais qu'est ce que vous attendez pour vous asseoir?"
Nina : "Mamie, Lucie veut prendre ma place mais j'étais là la première." 

Grandma : "But what are you waiting for to sit down?."
Nina : "Grandma, Lucie wants to take my seat but I was there first."

Mamie : "Lucie assieds toi ailleurs, voudras tu ta crêpe avec du miel ou du nutella?"

Grandma : "Lucie sit somewhere else, will you want your pancake with honey or nutella?"

Lucie : "Avec du nutella, j'adore le nutella."

Lucie : "With nutella, I love nutella."

Mamie : "Quelle surprise!"

Grandma : "What a surprise!"

Nina : "Moi aussi! Le miel c'est pour qui?"
Mamie : "Je suis sûre que Fiona va comme moi en prendre."
Nina : "Ah c'est pour les grands." 

Nina : "Me too! Who is the honey for?"
Grandma : "I'm sure Fiona will take some like me."
Nina : "Ah it's for the old."

A suivre - To be continued

Bon week-end! - Have a nice weekend!

23 commentaires:

The grandmommy a dit…

ahhhh ils sont tellement adorable! Je aime la petite histoire!

Piikko a dit…

I'd love to have my pancake with Nutella. :)
Happy Valentine's day to you dear Genevieve! <3

Drora's minimundo a dit…

How adorable! Cute characters reminding me of what went on before sitting down
to the table at my own home.
Happy Valentine Day to you too!
Hugs, Drora

Margaret a dit…

What a 'sweet' story, haha. And grandma looks so stylish cooking in her pearls. I expect the next instalment will be on Shrove Tuesday?

elizabeth s a dit…

I know that not only do I have a Favorite Chair but I also have a favorite mug, bowl and spoon too!
I have never tried pancakes with Nutella but I sure will the next time! :D

Marisa a dit…

I've missed the girls and you have some new ones too, very sweet story..happy valentines day :)


Joc a dit…

La petite qui tient la souris est vraiment mignonne et les crêpes sont bien réussies (et fines)

Ilona a dit…

Wonderful story and so recognisable from my childhood with 6 children at home ;)!
The dolls are wonderful, Genevieve!
Bonne week-end!
Amicalement, Ilona

les mains calmes a dit…

Trop mignon!Encore merci pour les leçons d'anglais!
Bon dimanche

Daydreamer a dit…

I Love the story! The pancakes look delicious! We always have Maple Syrup with pancakes.... nothing else will do!
Your little girls are so Lovely, and Grandma is Perfect! The kitchen looks so inviting!

Sam a dit…

This is so cute! I could almost smell the pancakes that Grandma was making.

rosethe-minima a dit…

une jolie scène gourmande, les crêpes sont appétissantes ...
Miam ;) Joce

Lili56 a dit…

Jolie petite histoire, les crêpes ont l'air succulentes, ça nous rappelle notre enfance.

Plushpussycat a dit…

Mmm, the crepes look delicious!!! Fun story with adorable characters and beautiful scenes. xo Jennifer

PILAR6373 a dit…

Esas crepes se ven deliciosas!!! A las niñas les encantarán!!

Cinderella Moments a dit…

Those crepes are incredible! It's a beautiful little scene!

17-17 a dit…

Beautiful scene, little girls with their grandma look so charmingly,

Warm hugs

Anonyme a dit…

C'est tellement mignon de les voir toutes en train d'attendre leur crêpe...et la gentille grand-mère au petits soins pour elles...ça me fait rêver!
Bisous et bonne journée Geneviève

miniacollection a dit…

Merci pour tous vos gentils commentaires!

Thank you for all your lovely comments


Sarah a dit…

I would absolutely love a pancake with Nutella right now :D Great photos.

The other day I discovered a lady who remodels old Bratz dolls. Thought you might enjoy it. http://treechangedolls.tumblr.com/ The little outfits are gorgeous!

Irene a dit…

Firstly apologies - I am so slow at catching up with blogs. I'm starting to feel embarrassed!

Yet another lovely little story worked around your minis.

miniacollection a dit…

Sarah thanks a lot for your comment!
Thank you also for your link! I went to see it, her work is ammazing and what a good idea.

miniacollection a dit…

Irene thank you so much for your kind comment! Please don't feel embarrassed!

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