Hobbies Blogs - Blog Rankings Genevieve's miniacollection: lecture ou faire ses devoirs? (fin) - reading or homework? (the end)

dimanche 3 mai 2020

lecture ou faire ses devoirs? (fin) - reading or homework? (the end)

Nina : "Cela ne m'étonne pas que ce soit ton image préférée, mais moi j'en aime une autre."

Nina : "I'm not surprised it's your favourite picture, but I like another one."

Lucie : "Ben, oui; j'aime la mer et jouer à la plage. Allez montre moi la tienne."

Lucie : Well, yes; I love the sea and playing on the beach. Come on show me yours."

Nina : "C'est celle-là."
Lucie : "Une danseuse? Pourquoi? Je ne savais pas que tu aimes la danse."

Nina : "It's this one."
Lucie : "A ballerina? Why? I didn't know you like ballet."

Nina : "Et pourquoi pas! J'ai mes secrets."
Lucie : "Moi j'aime pas ça et Pauline m'a dit que ça fait mal aux pieds."

Nina : "And why not! I've got my secrets."
Lucie : "I don't like that and Pauline told me it makes your feet hurt."

Nina : "Je m'en fiche! Et je ne te demande pas d'aimer."
Lucie : "Encore heureux!"
Nina : "Tu parles Grand-mère, elle dit souvent ça."

Nina : "I don't care! And I'm not asking you to like it."
Lucie : "It's just as well!"
Nina : "You speak like Grandma, she often says that."

Nina : "Oh, écoute! Il y a maman qui monte."
Maman : "Les filles je commence à en avoir assez! Pourquoi vous ne faites pas ce qu'on vous dit?

Nina : "Oh, listen! Mummy is coming up."
Mummy :"I've had just about enough. Why can't you do what you're told."

Lucie : "Elle a l'air en colère. On ferait mieux d'y aller."
Nina : "Maman, on arrive."
Maman : "Tout de suite!"

Lucie : "She sounds angry. We'd better go."
Nina : "Mummy, we're coming."
Mummy : "Hurry up!"

Fin - the end

Prenez soin de vous- Take care

9 commentaires:

Ilona a dit…

Having siblings myself, so I know that you can argue a lot with them, so are Lucie and Nina now too ;). Due to the pandemic I think this situation will repeat itself because of children, who now have to stay indoors, they will absolutely argue with each other.....
I love seeing the miniature scenes you created, before taking these nice pictures, Geneviève, and I liked reading this little story.
Stay healthy, take care.
Have a lovely day.
Amicalement, Ilona

Drora's minimundo a dit…

Poor little girls. It's not easy to be confined and of course, it leads
to disagreements. At least they don't fight like boys do.
Beautiful details, as always, Genevieve. It's the best way to display your gorgeous minis.
Hugs, Drora

elizabeth s a dit…

Nina and Lucie are 'discussing things" just as real children do. I don't blame them for getting distracted by the pictures in the book, because when I was Nina's age, I wanted to be a ballerina too!

rosethe-minima a dit…

Nina est montée chercher Lucie et d'image en image, de "je préfère en je préfère" les devoirs sont passés au second plan ...
Ah ! les filles.
Oups, voilà que maman s'impatiente, là plus une minute à perdre, il faut descendre pour faire les devoirs. Bon courage les filles !

Jollie a dit…

Your little ones are so cute, also when they are discussing with each other:) love the little books! Hugs Jollie

Minimami a dit…

LOve your stories! Great pictures, too.

miniacollection a dit…

Rosethé un grand merci!!!

A big thank you to all of you!!!

Norma Bennett a dit…

They may disagree with one another about various things but they know that it's always best to both obey mama. The books are so sweet, I love the tiny starfish.

miniacollection a dit…

Norma, thank you so much!!!

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